JOE FOLIO! Comics and Art Portfolio

Celebrating 30 years as a Professional Comics Creator! This portfolio is a fun retrospective of some of my greatest hits!
Each Joe Folio is signed and numbered from 1 to 20, and contains:
•1 black and white pen and ink figure sketch of one of your favorite superheroes! 9” x 12” in size.
•1 remarked 11” x 17” print of either Spider-Man OR the cover of Venom vs. Wolverine, my biggest seller at Marvel Comics!
•1 Marvel-sanctioned print honoring comics icon ROY THOMAS!
•1 print of Spider-Man 2099 and the “LEGION OF MONSTERS 2099,” a gallery of villains I helped create!
•1 randomly chosen 11” x 17” print!
•3 randomly chosen 8 1/2” x 11” prints!
•1 copy of the World Premiere Edition of MEGAHURTZ #1, published by Image Comics!
•1 copy of BOLD BLOOD #1, a fantasy novelette published by Astronaut Ink!
•1 randomly chosen copy of the VERY RARE variants of NEW ZODIAX, limited to only 200 copies each!
ALL pieces will be signed.
Orders are first come, first served.